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Full Body Lipo-melt Laser Lipo Treatments From Nereida at Xanadu Salon Tucson Reviews

  • Liposuction is the top corrective surgery in the Usa, with some 400,000 procedures performed every yr on various parts of the trunk.
  • Laser liposuction is i of several relatively new technologies that are now offered as a way to supervene upon or enhance this archetype torso contouring procedure.
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction might seem similar a peachy option on the surface. However, many plastic surgeons warn that it oftentimes comes with serious consequences.
  • Depending on the torso surface area, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction can price anywhere from $ii,500 – $v,000.

What is light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction?

Laser liposuction, sometimes called laser-assisted liposuction, laser lipoplasty, laser lipo, or laser lipolysis, is likewise known nether various 'make' names, similar TriSculpt and Accusculpt.

Other popular brands include:

  • SmartLipo
  • SlimLipo
  • SmoothLipo
  • Lipotherme
  • LipoLite
  • CoolLipo
  • ProLipo
  • Airsculpt

Similar to traditional liposuction, laser lipo is performed nether local anesthetic. "Laser lipo works by passing a very sparse fiber optic cable under the skin carrying a laser beam which heats tissues to 900 degrees, thereby melting the fatty," explains Dr. Leonard Grossman, a plastic surgeon practicing in New York, NY.

Is laser liposuction effective?

When first studied and introduced in the early 1990s, laser liposuction treatment did not receive FDA-approving every bit in that location was no real benefit shown. In the early 2000s even so, new lasers were introduced that subsequently gained FDA-approval.

Various studies betoken that laser is effective and does provide benefits in terms of reducing fat and tightening the pare. However, every bit plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Frederick of Palm Beach Gardens, FL warns, "in that location has never been a good study proving that the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation tightens the pare more than than any other method of liposuction."

A further review of electric current scientific literature seems to show Frederick right, the general consensus beingness that there is no clinical advantage to laser liposuction over traditional liposuction procedures.

According to a written report published inThe Periodical of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, several clinicians "accept been reluctant to accept laser lipolysis, citing longer procedural times, increased risk of adverse reactions, and lack of bear witness supporting superiority over traditional liposuction."

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction side effects and complications

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction might seem like a neat option on the surface. Notwithstanding, many plastic surgeons warn that it often comes with serious consequences.

Grossman explains, "where traditional lipo uses a vacuum attached to a thin cannula [tubing] to remove fat, laser lipo melts the fat through high temperatures. Because different tissues blot estrus differently, this results in uneven texture of subcutaneous fat and connective tissues."

That's only function of the problem: "It's not just the uneven texture of the surface," adds Grossman. "If this was just the fat that was left lumpy, it could exist easily fixed, only it is not — it has literally charred tissues."

"Imagine yourself throwing a mix of fat, muscle, tendons, and connective tissue on a frying pan," says Grossman. "Each tissue will react differently to the high temperature. Some quicker than others will denature. Longer contact will result in a deep tissue burn or charring. These tissues accept a long time to be cleaned up by the body."

If the idea of charred fatty doesn't sound likewise appealing, the idea of third degree burns is even more horrifying. When skin burns occur from laser liposuction, "these are of the third degree and always leave disfiguring scars," adds Grossman.

There is also a greater take a chance of infections with light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction, while with traditional liposuction, infections and side effects are rare.

laser lipo burn
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction of the inner thigh, producing a fire that blistered within a few days. The burn affected the full thickness of the skin, which died and scabbed quite severely. Photos courtesy of Dr. James Thousand. Nachbar.

If you're wondering how common these side effects and complications are, let us share some statistics.

Based on the current evidence bachelor, approximately 1% of laser procedures effect in complications, compared to traditional liposuction complication rates of less than 0.3%. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction also has a 3.v% to vii.3% revision charge per unit, meaning people frequently take to go dorsum and accept things fixed.

Grossman suggests that these figures are fashion too depression, saying, "I personally would not recommend light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lipo to be used under whatever circumstances afterward the corporeality of complications that I take seen since the inception of the procedure in 2002 – 2003."

Enquiry from 2013 indicates that 89.5% of plastic surgeons use traditional liposuction, while only 10.5% utilise laser.

The important thing to be aware of is that roughly 40% of laser liposuction procedures are performed past noncore practitioners with very little surgical grooming. These include obstetricians, gynecologists, dermatologists, orthopedic surgeons, and family unit medicine physicians. While some may have avant-garde training, many are unskilled at performing this procedure.

Notwithstanding, plastic surgeons may use light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation in some instances. However, they are well versed in diverse types of surgical procedures and can offer the all-time alternatives. Just go along in heed that if you choose to have light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction, your choice of provider will be disquisitional, every bit the risks of complications increment when dealing with inexperienced operators.

Some other important thing to consider is future procedures that you may need or want. Equally laser liposuction kills the blood vessels, this "can make it more risky to do a secondary abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, as now the normal blood supply has been disrupted," says Frederick. Equally a patient, you may limit your future surgery options.

Grossman also warns that when complications occur from light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction, you can wait an extended wait of ii years before you tin undergo any further surgery or revisions, otherwise you may risk further complications.

Additionally, information technology is ofttimes impossible to completely correct the problems that tin arise from laser liposuction.

Save the fatty

Dr. Ryan Welter of Regeneris Medical in North Attleboro, MA suggests some other major drawback to laser liposuction that's often overlooked — the fat can no longer be used for other purposes.

"Regenerative scientists accept demonstrated that fat is a huge reservoir for stem cells, which can be exploited to care for a host of medical and cosmetic weather," says Welter. "Since there are other liposuction techniques that can salvage the fat, I recommend storing the fatty — or better notwithstanding using it immediately."

For instance, "fat transfers for facial rejuvenation are very popular and can have the same furnishings of Botox just concluding for years," says Welter.

Co-ordinate to the American Social club for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, fat grafting is becoming increasingly popular, especially for employ on the face, buttocks, and breasts. The advantage of using your ain fat is that yous don't run the risk of rejection and complications that can come with implants or bogus fillers.

Is laser liposuction ameliorate than traditional liposuction?

As a consumer, it's important to exist enlightened of the marketing tactics that may exist used to promote light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction as a better option.

You lot may hear that:

  • Results are noticeable sooner
  • Information technology'south less invasive
  • Information technology's more effective
  • It has a faster recovery time
  • It results in less claret loss
  • Information technology provides superior skin tightening
  • It's less painful

However, hither are some facts to bear in mind:

  • In that location is no evidence to testify a clinically meaning pain score deviation between the ii procedures.
  • In terms of outcomes, no divergence has been found in patient satisfaction between the two procedures.
  • There is no deviation in claret loss between the two procedures. As Frederick notes, standard liposuction just leads to minimal claret loss. Typically, under a 1% of claret is lost during the procedure.
  • While laser liposuction is often suggested as a 'non invasive' process, this isn't entirely true. "Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lipo is traditional liposuction. The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lipo yet uses a cannula to remove the fat," says Frederick. "They simply add a laser to the process."
  • Laser liposuction is less time-efficient than traditional liposuction .
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction results in more than side effects and complications than traditional liposuction.

Overall, the overwhelming consensus of all the scientific inquiry conducted so far shows that there are no advantages to laser liposuction over traditional liposuction procedures.

How much does laser liposuction cost?

Depending on the body surface area, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction can cost anywhere from $2,500 – $5,000.

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Does Laser Liposuction Work?
Highlights from Scientific Studies

Early, laser liposuction failed to gain FDA blessing because scientific studies of the engineering science showed no item benefit. Past the early 2000s lasers had begun to gain approval, as studies showed that they can be very constructive for reducing fat and tightening the skin

Even so, no study has however proved that lasers provide tightening that is superior to other methods of liposuction.

In fact, a review of scientific studies seems to show that light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction does not offer whatsoever clear clinical advantage to over traditional liposuction techniques.

An influential written report published by The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology cited several clinicians as being reluctant to accept laser liposuction due to the elapsing of the process, the risk of agin reactions, and the scarcity of testify to show that it is more effective than traditional liposuction.

The same report establish that while the safe of laser liposuction is well documented, and skin tightening is a pregnant advantage of this method, some disadvantages still exist:

  • On its ain, laser liposuction may exist insufficient for proper correction.
  • Many clinicians believe light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation liposuction should be viewed as complementary to traditional liposuction, as opposed to a standalone treatment.
  • An increased procedure time, since many surgeons use this treatment as an adjunct to traditional liposuction.
  • The gamble of thermal injury.
  • The flexibility and thinness of the cannula used in laser liposuction may get in difficult for the surgeon to discern the depth of tissues, which could have an touch on the concluding results.

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